What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

What is VPS ?


Virtual Private Servers are the most advanced step in server virtualization technology. They are used to partition a single physical server into many (as many as 1000) isolated virtual private servers. 


Each virtual private server looks and behaves exactly like a real networked server system, complete with its own set of init scripts, users, processes, filesystems, etc.


FreeVPS is a free Linux-based software implementing virtual servers technology, a cost-effective and resource-saving solution that runs virtually isolated full-featured standalone Linux servers on one host box.


Read More: What applications could be run within the Virtual Private Server?


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                     How does a Virtual Private Server work?


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Complete Root Access


Virtual servers have their own root accounts and root directories in sub-directories of the main server, which gives:


1.Ability to install and run its own application software

2.Ability to manage own config files

3.Ability to configure/modify root application software

4.Ability to delete, add, modify any file, including files in the root server

5.Full control over all files and processes on the virtual server 


Full-Featured System Administration as of a Physical Server


Like physical servers, virtual servers have:


1.multiple users and groups


2.own user and group quota


3.own crontab


4.own chkconfig settings


Complete Independence

Virtual private servers are completely isolated from each other and from their main physical server. Each VPS has:

       - complete isolation of virtual server processes, even from the root server

       - independence from underlying hardware: virtual servers can be easily moved to another physical server


Own Network Configuration


Each VPS has its own network settings, including:


1. own private localhost network interface


2. virtual ethernet devices configuration


3. multiple IP addresses added without downtime


4. IPs assigned to own virtual network adapters


5. own hostname


6.own domain name


7.own routing tables


8.ability to configure own DNS servers


Limitable Resource Consumption

Physical server resources, such as traffic, disk space, RAM, and a number of running processes, can be limited by master admin and purchased by the account owner. VPS also allows limiting the number of files in use.


Shared Administrative Tasks


Running on the same file system as the main server and sharing its files and directories, virtual private servers share common administrative tasks, such as:


1. data backups


2. task monitoring


3. network traffic monitoring for each virtual server


4. batch installation of RPMs on selected or all virtual servers


Master Admin Management


H-Sphere offers tools for VPS management by master admin, including:


1. administrative tools to start/stop/suspend/resume virtual server


2. the ability to assign IP addresses


3.installation of virtual ethernet devices


4.tools to allow/deny new process creation


5. tools to term/kill signaling for all virtual server processes


Complete Integration With H-Sphere


H-Sphere provides a web interface for VPS management, including:


1. VPS Plan Wizard: ability to create VPS plans with different pricing and configuration


2. A control panel account for each virtual server with online billing and support center


3. Physical resource management interface to configure RAM, disk space, traffic, and server processes


4. VPS network configuration: assigning IPs to virtual ethernet devices, adding and changing IPs, setting VPS gateways


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